Spruce / common spruce / red spruce / Norway spruce
bot. Picea abies
The evergreen spruce belongs to the pine family and with over 40% holds the largest share of all tree species in the wood supply in Switzerland. The undemanding and fast-growing spruce is also very important in terms of growth performance and value. Depending on the location, the spruce can grow to a height of 35 to 50 m, in exceptional cases up to 60 m. The straight, cylindrical, full-woody trunk is often knot-free up to a height of 15 to 20 m in the forests. In the mountains and in primeval forests, the spruce grows to be over 500 years old.
Susceptible to fungus and insects. Not weather resistant.
Hardness grade
The wood is yellowish brown to almost white.
Color change
Darkens strongly when exposed to light.
In Switzerland, mostly planted by humans, it is native to the foothills of the Pre-Alps and the Alps and can be found in naturally pure stands. In commercial forests, with a growing cycle of 80 to 120 years, it is still considered the most important supplier of wood. In mountain forests, spruce also provides an important habitat for animals. Birds in particular use spruce as a source of food or a protected territory during breeding.
- The main habitat lies in the boreal vegetation zone of the northern hemisphere.
- According to fossils and pollen remains, the original home of the spruce is probably East Asia.
- In Switzerland, it is native to the foothills of the Pre-Alps and Alps. On the Swiss Plateau it has been planted mostly by humans.
Wood character
- The sapwood and heartwood are of the same colour, the annual rings are clearly pronounced.
- Resin pockets are often present.
- The wood is easy to work with and has good strength.
- Spruces from the foothills of the Pre-Alps and the Alps have particularly narrow and regularly arranged annual rings, which results in an excellent resonance wood.
- Application in furniture and interior construction.
- Suitable for woodturning.
Weight: 470 KG/M³
Weight (Average bulk density air dry, ᵨ 12...15)
Average hardness: 12 N/MM²
Average hardness according to Brinell (radial)
Stability: gut
Dimensional and form stability
Durability: wenig dauerhaft bis mäßig dauerhaft
Natural durability according to DIN-EN 350-2