Together on the Way.
All on Board.
Strong values and high expectations of ourselves are a long-standing tradition in our over 100-year-old family business . The last two years proved how important and right it is to live these values, but also to be open to changes. The past year was therefore dedicated to the ag STRATEGY 2030. For this purpose, an all-day strategy workshop was developed with an external partner, in which all employees were asked to actively contribute to the implementation of the VRS STRATEGY 2030.
Prepared for a challenging future
At ag, permanent strategic dialogue, established communications and regular validation and revision of the strategy are integral parts of entrepreneurial practice. With the VRS Strategy 2030, we want to ensure that every employee knows what corporate strategy means. The future intentions and visions as well as the main focus of ag are clear and every employee can actively contribute to a successful strategy implementation.
Successful teamwork
Since the implementation of the strategy course, almost half a year has passed, and positive changes have already become noticeable. These include the improvement of communication channels, the introduction of quality bonuses, the organisation of workplaces and the revision of the CRM system, to name but a few. We wanted to know from our employees how they experienced this strategy workshop and what they learned from it.
Stefanie Brand, Head of Personnel and Administration
In conversation with our employees
Thomas von Rickenbach (TVR): Stefanie, you designed the item “target setting” in the strategy course and personally presented it to the team (in small groups) several times. How was this for you as an experience?
SB: Beforehand, we revised the process and the topic of target setting and thus presented the new contents. I found it exciting to work out together with the employees how they themselves can actively contribute to the success of the company by pursuing their own goals. In doing so, I am hopeful that I was able to show them in an understandable way that every single measure and goal of theirs contributes to the company achieving its goals and thus implementing its strategy (according to the motto: big goals are achieved by taking many small steps).
TVR: You also had an insight into all the other stations of the strategy course (a total of 8 stations). How did you experience our employees?
SB: The employees seemed very interested and impressed. I think they appreciated that we got them on board and made the effort of such a workshop. We are aware that the further development of the company can only be implemented if the employees support the strategy and understand it. Because only those who understand why it is important to adapt to the changes around the company are also willing to get out of their own comfort zone and go the extra mile.
TVR: What has changed in the meantime from your point of view – where do you see the greatest potential for development from an HR perspective?
SB: I hear from various sides that communication has improved. Measures such as regular briefings or the introduction of the CIP board help to react to employees’ contributions in a timelier manner. When employees realise that they are taken seriously and that suggestions are implemented, satisfaction and motivation increase. When employees experience themselves as an important part of the company, they are more willing to take responsibility for their own actions, to think for themselves and to actively participate. Knowing that we are all pulling in the same direction increases the sense of belonging and identification with the company. These are the best conditions for achieving great goals.
Harald Binder, Production Manager
In conversation with our employees
TVR: Harald, how did you personally prepare for your presentation in the SWOT analysis section of the strategy course?
HB: First of all, it was interesting for me to find out what is meant by SWOT analysis. All I could find on the internet at first was general information. The difficulty for me was to work out the basics for the presentation, which we could then also use in the long term. We had two test presentations during which a lot of things were discarded and developed by the feedback of fellow colleagues to become a usable basis.
TVR: What insights did you gain from this one-day workshop? Were there any “aha” moments?
HB: The preparations beforehand were challenging, but the result clearly compensated for the effort.
TVR: From your point of view, what has changed since the presentation of the Strategy 2030 (to the entire VRS team)? Are the employees motivated to implement the measures you presented?
HB: We have improved a lot as a team. One can see that we were able to expand our knowledge through the workshop and incorporate this into our daily work. Through the lean management, we are also working on our processes within the production and constantly improving them. It is important to stick to it.
TVR: What potential for change have you already been able to personally address as production manager? Have you already succeeded in simplifying the daily work, making the operation more efficient and gaining resources for leadership tasks?
HB: I was able to delegate some of the tasks that I used to handle myself. This has given me the time I need for upcoming projects. However, additional resources are needed to tackle further leadership tasks. Again, it is important to persist.
Adi Rüegg, Internship
In conversation with our employees
TVR: Adi, during your eleven-month internship you were able to make significant contributions to the implementation of lean management. After this experience, what would you advise another company that is also implementing Lean Management?
AR: I would advise a company that wants to implement Lean Management to ask itself three basic questions. First, what is the purpose of lean management in the company? Secondly, what is our vision and thirdly, what measures or tools do we want to use to achieve this goal? As beneficial as Lean Management can be, as complex it is. A company must be clearly aware that lean management is an ongoing process that must be supported one hundred percent by all managers. Only in doing so will it be possible to bring the most valuable asset of a company, the employees, on board.
TVR: In retrospect, what would you do differently in terms of lean management? Would you necessarily handle it in the same way?
AR: Being more patient and giving employees time to understand what this topic is about, but also giving them enough time and space so that they can adjust and adapt to the new direction in addition to their daily work. In retrospect, I would put more focus on recurring instructions, requests, and explanations. I would immediately investigate even better rule communication.
TVR: What is your opinion about the future lean management potential of VRS?
AR: I see great potential that Lean Management can exploit in the future. Many employees now understand the mechanism and actively contribute by making useful inputs. When the same energy is put into “Lean Management”, a self-dynamic will emerge. The operating processes become even better, the production area is used more efficiently, and the employees come to work even more motivated. This in turn will also become noticeable to the already loyal clientele.
Thomas von Rickenbach, Managing Director/Owner
For me as CEO and owner of ag, it is important that every employee is familiar with the core elements of the Strategy 2030, knows what our next strategic steps are and what contributions they can provide to the implementation of the strategy.
During the workshop, I realised that many of the employees did not really know what values our company upholds. What goals we are pursuing in the medium and long term and what our and my personal motivation is to achieve them. I was even more pleased that most of the employees participated in the workshop with great interest and engagement. Interesting questions were asked, suggestions and proposals were made, but also critical comments were raised. The openness of the people surprised me, but at the same time made me realise that no one in our company must hide but is allowed to voice constructive criticism without fear of consequences.
Personally, one measure has always been very important to me, and that is communication within the company. Of course, we knew that we had potential for improvement in this field, but the workshop confirmed this once again in a tangible way. Since then, we have been working intensively on this measure, because there is still room for improvement in almost all areas of the company.
Another important step we need to take is to increase the flexibility of our employees. In today’s so-called VUCA world, where companies must adapt to constantly changing conditions, especially in the age of digitalisation and where leaders must react quickly if they want to continue to be successful. This means, for example, that companies must eliminate outdated leadership methods as quickly as possible and adjust them to the new environment. That is why it is important, among other things, that employees remain flexible and can also be deployed flexibly. We also want to work on our attractiveness as an employer. Our goal must be to be able to hire very well qualified people and to make sure that they remain with the company, ideally for many years. Because the best technology in the company is of no use if it cannot be used properly due to a lack of skilled workers.
In recent years, the focus of improvements has been directed more externally. In the coming years, we will also strive to further improve operations and processes internally. Topics such as digitalisation, lean management, and the workshop of the future will play a major role in this.
As an employer, it makes me proud to feel that our employees care about the well-being of the company. That they stand together in times of crisis and when needed they are prepared to contribute extra effort. I am convinced that we can still achieve a lot with a motivated team.
With Joy and Confidence into 2022
In the coming year 2022, ag will consistently pursue its corporate strategy, share with you our passion for solid wood, and gladly go the extra mile for you. We look forward to new challenging projects.
Thank you very much for your loyalty, partnership and the inspiring cooperation that motivates us and makes us what we are. We wish you merry and relaxing holidays with your families and all the best, happiness, and health for the New Year.
Thomas von Rickenbach